Progress Rail Shops
"Front Line"
Waycross, Ga.
February 2004

Illinois Central yard and road switchers
I get 3 different versions of SW14 and 2 different GP10 rebuilt by Paducah shops in just 2 trips.

IC 1402
One of the very early SW14 ever rebuilt. It has preserved the round roof from its predecessor, and has not received the grill on the end of the hood for the radiator.

IC 1403
This one did receive the angular roof but still no radiator opening at the end of the roof.
See Photo of 1403 in ICG Orange and white paintsheme
See great website documenting Illinois Central

IC 1439
It received the total treatment.

IC 8178
Rebuilt in the later part of the program in 1977 with the Dynacell central air filter.

IC 8313
Early rebuilt (1974) with its over the hood air filter.